Author Guidelines
The article submitted to Antmind Review: Journal of Sharia and Legal Ethics will be considered for publishing if written based on the criteria:
1. The article should be related to the main and scope of Antmind Review: Journal of Sharia and Legal Ethics.
2. The article should be original, never published before, and not under review for publication in other journals.
3. The article should consist of title, author's name, institution, email address, abstract, keywords, content, and references.
4. The title should be clear and no more than 14 words.
5. The author should not write the academic title.
6. The article consists of 4000-7000 words, written with Garamond, size 12 pt, while for writing the verses of Qur'an and Hadis, and other type of Arabic text, the author should use Traditional Arabic, size 14.
7. The abstract should be written in 150-200 words and 3-5 keywords, and it should consist of purpose, method, research finding, and conclusion.
8. The Arabic term should be transliterated with the Library of Congress guide.
9. The References should be written according to APA 7th style.
10. The article will be reviewed and edited without changing any substantial content.
11. We suggest collaborating on authors between countries.
TITLE (Garamond, Bold, 18 pt): The article title should consist of a maximum of 14 words and reflect the key findings of the research in an engaging way. It should be concise, clear, and descriptive, highlighting significant results or innovations from the study. Avoid using acronyms or technical terms that may not be familiar to the general audience, and ensure that the language is grammatically correct and easily understandable. This approach will help the title capture readers' attention while providing a clear indication of the research content and outcomes.
Antmind Review: Journal of Sharia and Legal Ethics is an academic journal that focuses on the multidisciplinary study of Islamic law (Sharia) and legal ethics in a global context (Bukido et al., 2023). The journal presents in-depth articles on various aspects of Islamic law, including legal theory, legal practice, and contemporary issues related to justice, human rights, and morality in society (Shabrina, 2022). In addition, the journal explores the study of legal ethics in a multicultural environment and highlights comparisons with other legal frameworks (Az-Zuhaily, 1985). Antmind Review: Journal of Sharia and Legal Ethics aims to facilitate constructive dialogue and contribute critical thinking in the development of Islamic legal theory and practice as well as legal ethics globally (Marsyaulina, 2018). Antmind Review: Journal of Sharia and Legal Ethics is an academic journal that highlights topics related to Islamic law (Sharia) and legal ethics in a global context. This journal focuses on various important aspects in the study of Islamic law as well as the application of ethics in legal practice (Teubner, 2017).
Table 1. Template Antmind Review: Journal of Sharia and Legal Ethics
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Sub tittle 3 |
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Source data: Antmind Review: Journal of Sharia and Legal Ethics (2024)
This section consists of results and discussion. Each result must be supported by adequate data. Then, the results must be able to answer the research question or hypothesis stated previously in the introduction.
"Indirect quotations are made if the statement is in the nature of a fatwa, rule, procession, statement in a foreign/regional language." (Interview, name of source, position of source, city, year)
Sub-heading 1
Sub-heading 2 (Garamond, italic, bold, capitalize each word)
Sub-heading 3 (Garamond, capitalize each word)
CONCLUSION: The conclusion states the answer to the hypothesis and/or research objectives or scientific findings. A conclusion is not a repetition of findings and discussion, but it is a summary of the findings as envisioned in the objective or hypothesis. If necessary, the conclusion can also end with further ideas to apply to this research.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Remarks are primarily addressed to research funders. Acknowledgments can also be dedicated to people who contributed to the research.
References should be formatted in 'APA 7th edition' style using the Mendeley citation engine. Ensure to adjust information such as authors, article titles, journal titles, volume, issue number, pages, and DOI according to the source you are using.
Az-Zuhaily, W. (1985). Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuhu. Dar Al-Fikr.
Book Section
Teubner, G. (2017). How the law thinks: toward a constructivist epistemology of law. In Legal Theory and the Social Sciences (pp. 205–235). Routledge.
Sanjaya, W. S. M., Anggraeni, D., Nurrahman, F. I., Kresnadjaja, W. G., Dewi, I. P., Mira, Aliah, H., & Marlina, L. (2018). Qibla Finder and Sholat Times Based on Digital Compass, GPS and Microprocessor. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 288, 012149.
Bukido, R., Haris, C., Rosyadi, M. A. R., & Suleman, Z. (2023). Reception of Marriage Age Limit in Marriage Law in Indonesia. Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Dan Hukum Islam, 7(1).
Marsyaulina, A. (2018). Antropomorfisme Pada Gotouchi-Kyara Funasshi. Universitas Indonesia.
Shabrina, N. F. (2022). Begini Kondisi Herry Wirawan Seusai Dijatuhi Vonis Mati. JPNN.
Interview data is not created in the Mendeley citation engine but is created in a separate sub-heading with the format (name of source, position of source, city, year).